National Honor Society
Leechburg Area High School Chapter 2421 of National Honor Society
Eligibility Requirements
Scholastic Requirements
For seniors, the NHS requires a scholastic average of 91% or better in the core academic areas (English, math, science, social studies) using semester averages for all semesters from the freshman, sophomore, and junior years and the first semester of the senior year. Recognizing the fact that seniors may not be enrolled in a science class, the highest grade in a full credit course will be used. Any student who has earned a failing grade for the year in a core academic area is automatically ineligible for membership in National Honor Society even if the course was retaken.
Because NHS strives to recognize the total student, no one is inducted into the society solely because of high academic achievement. Potential membership is also based on the qualities of leadership, service, and character. Students who meet the scholarship requirements are notified by letter and given the necessary information to complete the application process.
Leadership Requirements for All Potential Members
In order to show evidence of leadership as opposed to mere participation, potential members are required to obtain three letters from sponsors of extracurricular activities (in-school or out), classroom teachers, employers, coaches, or others who can attest to leadership ability. Recognizing that leadership has many different styles and that one does not have to be elected a leader to exemplify this, the committee has established the following list of behaviors typical of a student who exercises leadership:is resourceful in proposing new solutions, applying principles, and making suggestions
- Demonstrates initiative in promoting school activities and improving the civic life of the school
- Exercises positive influence on peers in upholding school ideals
- Is able to delegate responsibilities
- Exemplifies positive attitudes and inspires positive behavior in others
- Demonstrates academic initiative
- Successfully holds school office or positions of responsibility
- Is a leader in the classroom, at work, and in other school or community activities
- Is thoroughly dependable and reliable in any responsibility accepted
The faculty committee provides each potential member with three (3) copies of a letter outlining the criteria for leadership so that those individuals asked to attest to leadership are fully aware of the qualifications. It is the responsibility of the potential member to give the letter to the individuals from whom they are requesting a leadership letter. Notice that the committee recognizes that students can be leaders by positive example; they do not have to have held offices to be considered leaders.
Service Requirements for All Potential Members
To qualify in the area of service, potential members must have completed 40 hours of community service and have it confirmed by the community service coordinator. Potential members must see the community service coordinator to get a form attesting to the number of community service hours completed.
Character Requirements for All Potential Members
All faculty members are given a character evaluation form listing all students who are academically eligible for NHS. Faculty members evaluate each student with whom they have had contact since that student’s ninth grade year in areas concerning respect, courtesy, truthfulness, and perseverance, among other qualities of character. Recognizing that character can be difficult to define, the committee has established the following list of behaviors typical of a student who demonstrates the character qualities sought:
- Takes criticism willingly and accepts recommendations graciously
- Cooperates by complying with school regulations concerning, but not limited to, property, behavior, punctuality, and attendance
- Regularly shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others
- Displays perseverance in application to studies
- Demonstrates truthfulness and avoids cheating in written work
Candidates are scored on a scale of 0 to 5, and scores less than a 2.0 require a written explanation from the evaluator. These evaluations are averaged to determine the student’s eligibility in the area of character. A copy of the evaluation form is available from the chapter adviser. Currently, an average of 4.0 (on a 5.0 scale) is required for eligibility.
Selection Process
After all forms and letters from potential candidates are submitted, the faculty committee meets to decide on new members. Students who meet the standards for membership in the National Honor Society are notified in writing and are inducted into the Society during a formal ceremony.